Event Based Filing Guide

The following Guides summarise most of the filing, event-based reporting and notification obligations of various types of registrants and/or licensees pursuant to the Financial Services Commission Act, 2010-21, Securities laws and guidelines. These Guides have been provided for information purposes only.

 Type of Entity  Type of Record    Submission Deadline  Legislation  Reference
 Financial Institution  Written notice with reasons of its failure to appoint an auditor; or if it intends to terminate the appointment of its auditor   Financial Services Commission Act, 2010-21  Section 11(3)
 Reporting Issuers Statement setting out Material Changes   No Later than 7 days after such changes   Securities Act, Cap. 318A  Section 60(3)
 Reporting Issuers  Copy of Material sent to the security holder of the reporting issuer in duplicate  Within 24 hours after the reporting issuer sends the information to its security holder   Securities Regulations, 2002  Regulation 57(3)
 Mutual Funds  Change of its registered office or its principal office as the case may be  Within 7 days of the occurrence of such change   Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 13(a)
 Mutual Funds  Change of its operator  Within 7 days of the occurrence of such change  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 13(b)
 Mutual Funds  Material Change to its structure, organisation or administration  Within 7 days of the occurrence of such change   Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 13 (c)
 Mutual Fund Administrators  Notice of intention to change of principal office or any agent   Prior to change  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 23(1)(d)
 Mutual Fund Administrators  Notice that the minimum surplus referred to in section 23(1)(e) is not maintained and the extent of the deficiency  Immediately  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 23(1)(f)
 Mutual Fund Administrator  Written notice with reasons of its knowledge and belief that a mutual fund to which it provides a principal office or a promoter or operator is or is likely to become unable to meet its obligations as they fall due; is carrying on business otherwise than in accordance with this or any other Act; or is carrying on business in a manner that is or is likely to be prejudicial to investors or creditors of the mutual fund   Immediately  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 29(1)
 Mutual Fund Administrator  Notice of desire to cease or suspend dealing in shares  Immediately  Mutual Funds Regulations 2002  Regulation 12(4)
 Mutual Fund Administrator  Written notice with reasons of failure to appoint an auditor; or intention to terminate the appointment of its auditor    Mutual Funds Regulations 2002  Regulation 20(1)
 Auditor of Mutual Funds / Mutual Fund Administrator  Written notice with reasons of its knowledge and belief that a mutual fund or the mutual fund administrator is carrying on business without keeping sufficient or accurate records to allow its accounts to be properly audited; or is carrying on business or is winding up its business in a manner that is prejudicial to investors or creditors   Immediately  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 53
 Agent of Mutual Fund  Cessation or suspension in redemption of shares and reason for such cessation of suspension  Immediately  Mutual Funds Act, Cap. 320B  Section 30(3)(f)
 Operator of Mutual Fund  Notification of any decision to remove the administrator  Within 7 days of the decision  Mutual Funds Regulations 2002  Regulation 18(2)
 Auditor of a Financial Institution  Written notice of his resignation before the expiration of his term of office; or determination not to seek re-appointment  Forthwith  Financial Services Commission Act, 2010-21  Section 11(5)
 Auditor of a Financial Institution  Report instance where the operations of a financial institution might not in his opinion by in compliance with the requirements of the Financial Services Commission Act, the regulations, the guidelines or the specified enactments    Financial Services Commission Act, 2010-21  Section 11(7)
 Auditor of a Financial Institution  Report matter where in the course of an audit an auditor has reason to believe that a crime involving fraud, theft or any other offence involving dishonesty or money laundering or the financing of terrorism has been, or is being or is likely to be committed.   Without delay  Financial Services Commission Act, 2010-21  Section 11(8)